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Tokens difference

There is 2 types of tokens in ProxiedMail API:

  • API token
  • Bearer Token

Bearer Token

Bearer token you're getting on endpoint /api/v1/auth To authenticate via Bearer token you need to pass it to the Authorization header. Bearer token has some expiration date and currently it's not refreshable. In order to refresh bearer token you need to re-login.

API token

API token you can get via /api/v1/api-token endpoint. In order to use API token you would need to pass it to the Token header. This token doesn't have an expiration date, but could be revoked by request.

Which token to use?

You can obtain API Token manually when you login into the ProxiedMail web interface. Just visit the Settings page: You can hard code this token into your application. If your use case of ProxiedMail app is different and you want to automatically obtain token, just use the following steps:

  1. Authenticate via /api/v1/auth endpoint.
  2. Obtain Bearer token.
  3. Obtain API token via /api/v1/api-token endpoint.
  4. Use API token for further requests.

If you have any further questions about tokens - feel free to reach us out by email specified on the website or "Ask Us" button.